Thank you for your interest in Food Network Star: Kids!
Does your son or daughter have what it takes to host their own series on
We're looking for kids between the ages of 8 and 13 who live to cook, love talking about food and ultimately have the skills to become the first KID FOOD NETWORK STAR!
If you think your child has the chops to compete for their own series, please complete the form below.
HOW TO APPLY: If a child is interested in applying for the show, his/her parent/legal guardian must complete the form below. Failure to complete this form by the parent/legal guardian honestly, accurately and to the best of their ability, may result in a child’s elimination from consideration. Applications that are incomplete or corrupt are void and will not be accepted. Your child must be between the ages of 8 and 13 years old as of July 1, 2016.
NOTE: Before a parent/legal guardian begins to fill out the application, they will be required to upload a photo of the child and the child's best cooking creation.
Completed applications must be received by Monday, June 13th, 2016 at 12pm PST*, BUT REMEMBER, THE SOONER THE BETTER!
Thank you and GOOD LUCK!
First Name *
Last Name *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Grade in school *
City *
State *
Has child attended culinary and/or pastry school or any other cooking related program? *
If YES, please list the school(s)/program(s). How long did your child participate in the program and did he/she complete it?
Describe your child’s style of cooking (be specific: creole, Italian, southern comfort, barbeque, etc.) Does your child prefer to cook savory or sweet? Does he/she cook and bake? *
Has your child ever competed in a cooking competition? *
If YES, please list the competition(s), what place they took...etc.
How many years/months has your child been cooking? *
How did your child learn to cook? *
Who does your child cook for? What would they say about his/her cooking? *
If your child wins the title of the first Kid Food Network Star, what would be his/her dream to come out of this opportunity? *
Has your child ever AUDITIONED for any television programs (reality, game show, scripted, documentary, etc), films, webisodes, radio, commercials, stage or advertisements of any kind? *
If YES, please list the date(s), network(s) (if any), type(s) of production(s) and title(s) of the production(s) here. How far did they get in the process?
Has your child ever APPEARED on any television programs (reality, game show, scripted, documentary, etc), films, webisodes, radio, commercials, stage or advertisements of any kind? *
If yes, please list the date(s), network(s) (if any), type(s) of production(s) and title(s) of the production(s) here.
Are there any cooking videos of your child online? If YES, please paste the link/URL here.
Please upload a clear and recent photo of your child. *
Please upload a photo of your child's best cooking creation.
Full Name *
Cell Phone *
Home Phone
Email *
Facebook or Instagram URL
Occupation *
Who shares legal guardianship of your child?
Marital Status
How did you hear about the casting? Please Be Specific: (i.e. food, Craigslist...etc.)? *
I have signed this release on: *
Please Select
Signature *